Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

At home by myself in here chattin' with with Shane on Skype. The fam: Dad, Michelle, Alexis, Frank, Angela pushed out to Waldorf, MD - St. Charles Mall. As I sit here and reflect on the year that was 2009, Christmas, and a new year around the corner I figured I'd chillax and actually write a lil something to commemorate seeing the end of 2009.

You know, a lot has transpired this year. I finished my freshman year of college at RIT, a great milestone in my life; getting through it. Maybe I did not perform as well as I would have liked academically, but I made it through. I know it has been God's presence in my life and his unfaltering, unchanging hand that saw me thru. All in all I still learned so much about myself that year and I know I am on a good path with God on my side.

I had a great summer. Worked with some fine folks from my alma mater; McKinley Technology High School with the Summer Career Pathways; Robotics Engineering. Also got the chance to work with DC-NET and I actually traveled a little venturing to Atlantic City, NJ with Keish, Beaute, Tuan, and Vick. Good times.

The end of the summer saw the return of the school season and the second year of college which hasn't been a cakewalk but is progressing nevertheless. I found a more comfortable, passionate situation for my studying pursuits transitioning from the Networking Dept in GCCIS to the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CMS) at CAST. There I look forward to pursuing a B.S. with a concentration in Management Information Systems, Writing Studies with a minor in Music.

All in all I have my health, my family and friends and that's all I need in life [besides God's love]. I've made it another year because God and shown mercy and love on me and my loved ones and for that I am so thankful and gracious. My friends all help me with their lively personalities and their caring spirits. My family is indispensable, and with a new addition, Michelle and the forthcoming baby, we are looking forward to God's continued blessings and love and mercy.

We all struggle you know? We sometimes fall and make mistakes and sometimes it seems like we can't make it on our own, and that's where I believe our family and friends come to the rescue. I know that God places us all in the right spots because he takes care of us through them. He holds us together when we are weak and all I can say is thank you Lord!!! He knows its hard, life is a constant struggle, but it can be made light and easy if we trust in Him and His word.

So as we bid farewell to 2009 I would like to offer my sincerest appreciation, love and gratitude to Him and to all those special people He has placed in my life; you all know who you are. [also YOU, even if we don't know each other, THANK YOU for reading this ;-)]. Here's to life, love, peace, and happiness!!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!!


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