Nolanology: my thoughts, ideas, silly stuff, cool stuff, family, friends, God, school - life. enjoy!
Monday, March 29, 2010
RIT Men's Hockey in Frozen Four!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
What's the hallmark of our talk?
The mainstay of our thoughts it seems?
Negativity or Niggativity?
By d- e- f negativity is generally taken to mean something opposite postive.
We can agree? It’s a tendency to shun sentiments of good; of warm sensation; to be skeptical of purported plusness; to subtract from - devalue in decibel level
But beyond that arena of orbital pessimism does there rest rule and abide this itching grizzly monster - what about niggativity?
What's that right? Think about it. Niggativity is that state of mind where one posits that they cannot believe, they cannot faith, cannot assert
It is that form of oppression pressed into one’s mind - left there - deposited as a gross cancer to metastasize - accrue interest, insured by the human servile registry aka - self- doubt
It is being told u cannot and loving that u can't
It is striving for nothing
Searching for what u know isn't here - but all the while believing it is
Sounds like insanity, but it's not, cuz niggativity pervades even the most anti-niggative mind
That's y we're taught we shouldnt use the word - cuz for years - those who preceded us were insulted and torn down with it
So using that specific string of characters then makes us wrong - makes us proprietors of niggativity
But I contend that if niggativity was this acerbic, divisive animal once perpetuated to keep the inferior down - but no longer does - should addressing my mans as nigga be taken so sharply as a disrespectful, indignant occurence?
Out of respect or reverance should I shy away from the string of niggativity or mark a change in my thinking and in my view of the string of characters - nigga?
Does it make sense to forget those letters in that sequence because they r forever tethered to the bitter evil of racial oppression
Well our ancestors died so that we can have the freedoms we have right? That I can speak freely, pursue life and liberty ?
But is it not my liberty to speak a word tied to niggativity?
Words are, and then they aren't. if it could be tied to niggativity can it not be freed as well? Maybe that's what our ancestors would want.. hmm? For us to fight to relieve the animal niggativity of its taboo hold on our collective conscience; to rest the power of that word away from the beast? And when used so freely as a term of endearment; of love in a way, can it not be done?
Anything’s possible, if u want it to be...
Or am I deluded? Am I really trapped in niggativity too? For even suggesting that nigga could be freed from niggativity? Some could and would make the argument that I am - but if so, I'd rather be on the inside fighting with all I've got to change it than to be on the outside coexisting and fearing it. Or is it that it just is a peanut butter and jelly situation? Like love and marriage - u can't have one without the other? Maybe.