Hello world!! (opportune time to say that) Wassup? Well I've finally given in to the timeless tradition of documenting what life brings your way. I've enlisted in the self-reflective and public soapbox army; the
blogger brigade. I've often thought about writing and keeping an actual diary but I never thought I could or would have the desire, discipline and affinity for it. Well now that's all changed. Although a novice, I intend to express myself with candor and articulation; with light-hearted, silly prose; with pictures and video (if possible); but most of all with my true voice and my heart.
I am expecting this to be a fun journey. I am already becoming an avid blogger I believe, even with this, my first public post.
In any event, I've named my blog "Without Further Ado". This was kind of an artsy kinda thing I thought of while scanning the basement of my mind, looking for a cool, catchy name/ concept that I could implement within the life of the blog. I thought about how technically this blog is a worldwide publication. Anyone can access it. It serves as a medium through which I can communicate and speak whether anyone reads it or not. So in that spirit I thought of a performance or a speech where the emcee sets the stage and then introduces the next act or rhetorician . Usually they add some funny aside or make small talk; you know... emcee stuff. But when it's time for the next act to perform all of that must promptly leave the stage. The creativity, intelligence, and joyous energy that the performer or speaker must employ, should command the attention of the audience. And in keeping with that I, Nolan Harris Jr, am presenting my study on Nolanology. Not necessarily my literal study of me; but more or less my thoughts based on observation and living day to day. Any facts presented are facts, not my biased interpretation. But my feelings and thoughts then branch from the perceived truths life has manifested to me. If you can relate, cool. If not, cool. It's just an information inter/ex change. But to wrap all this up, I hope you enjoy Nolanology; all that it entails: God, family, friends and all that there is in between. Enjoy!!!