Friday, July 31, 2009

Checkin' In

Hello world. Me again; just checkin' in. Let's see, since my last post about AC, not much has happened. The tooth I got extracted from the rear bowels of my mouth, lol, seems to be healing pretty well. I ran out of the Tylenol-3 the dentist gave me. Honestly, though, I do not know what was in it because it seemed like regular old Acetophenamine to me. I mean it did help with the pain, so in that regard it did its job. And considering the spur-of-the-moment decision to get the tooth pulled, I believe it turned out ok. However I am still taking the Penicillin for infection prevention.

Otherwise work is droning along. The Summer Career Pathways stint will end next week, lightening the workload demand I'll be subject to, which is a good thing. This little 5.5 week long program has been pretty great. I'm enjoying and have enjoyed it. Next week we (the schools participating in the program) are poised to have a mini competition with each school entering their Tetrix robots, their NXT robots, and their websites. I'll post pics/vids from the event so that you all can see the culmination of the program and understand that I really have been at work doing something constructive lol. So anyway just stoppin' by, per say. So I'll catch you guys later.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Atlantic City

So this weekend I went Atlantic City with my friends. It was fun I must admit. Although I had to get one of my wisdom teeth pulled like hours before we departed for New Jersey (a whole other story). It was all good though, I managed; my friends helped make it a pretty fun time regardless. We hit up the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum and enjoyed the nice, warm weather and the boardwalk. It was spectacular. I loved being there and although it truly is a town for those who are 21, at 19, we all found a way to make great fun of the place. I would recommend it to anyone old enough to get up there lol. Here are some pics, above, from the trip.

Pardon the acerbic innuendo from the little candy

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Boyfriend - Girlfriend

Man I'm sitting here listening to my brother argue with his girlfriend. And I can only imagine what it would take for me to subject my self to all that comes with being in a relationship; at least not right now anyway. I mean when you think about it, a relationship is a job; it's a work of love and takes time to be built. It's emotional and dependent and very much incumbent upon the two individuals. Hearing my two good friends argue like they do sometimes only solicits me to beg the question: Why?

Why put yourself through the rigmarole of the relationship so young? I can't say I have not been there, because in high school that was me. And I really thought I was ready for everything: college, the long-distance relationship thing, all of it. But I think as life's experiences roll on and you begin to see what and why some things happen. I can't say I didn't enjoy being a boyfriend, because I really did, and will in future when time and circumstances permit. However it still, in my youth, is my position that maybe things shouldn't be rushed. Maybe we should all be friends and then continue in that mutual caring spirit. That's not to say that we as the collective whole don't, but sometimes because of sheer physical attraction we can cloud our judgment.

In the end I've found it very fulfilling that I can remain friends, I think and hope, with the girls in my life, and that's it. I do go back and forth with the whole: "well should I date or shouldn't I?" question, and therefore the ambiguity of my actions with them can be misleading. But in the end, for my own sake I try not to get too involved because growing up has afforded me a different view on things and so I now if I first accept and love and work on myself then I can I begin to entertain doing the same for another young woman. It's just the growing up I guess...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Had to Spotlight Myself

So earlier this summer, before work started, my brother Shane, invited me to come do this TechBus seminar with him, for my school. Mind you I attended and graduated from McKinley Tech; not him. But yet he works there with Mr. Kelsey and knows everyone as if he went there. But it's all good. Anyway, beyond all that, some pics were taken and they were posted on McKinley's website; and lo and behold who is that on the right with a striking, imposing angled profile? You guessed it ME. ;) (just kiddin')

That's Chris on the other side.

Just thought it would be cool to post this. It's not everyday that you find yourself on a website; and furthermore for something contributing to the greater good. The TechBus was an initiative funded through a grant one of my former teachers, Mr. A, wrote. McKinley was awarded a $100,000 grant from AARP. The money, in part, has been used to outfit a coach bus with mobile internet access and PCs in an effort to be a mobile training ground for senior citizens with today's newer technologies (i.e. Twitter, Facebook and the like).

Good Music - Lola Maxwell

Hot off the press; one of DC's own; A fellow Techite C/o 07 Ms. Lola Maxwell is dropping her 2nd mixtape. Check it out !!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Interesting Progression

Dubai in 1990

Dubai in 2003

Dubai in 2008

When completed Dubai's waterfront complex will be the largest in the world

If you haven't noticed yet, Dubai is one of the most luxurious and extravagant places on earth. Thing is, just 19 years ago this wasn't so. So in the span of literally my lifetime, it has gone from a marginal city to one of the most grandiose Western sentiment. Nonetheless it's something to awe at. I hope I can go there to study or visit, just to be there would be amazing.

Check out this site for more info:

Michael Jackson

I was/am a huge fan of Michael Jackson. So it hit kinda hard when he passed. But life is what happens for everyone. No one escapes that. But here's little video tribute to the most influential artist, I believe, in my life.

What I'm Currently Reading

Lately I've had a taste for writing and reading - not that I never have whet that tacit appetite - but lately, more than ever, I really have been wanting to write and read. So currently I have a couple of books I'm reading that I would recommend:

Well for my first, first post... (since the 1st was an intro)

So I am in college, at RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology). I'm home for the summer, you know? Working; two jobs. One as an intern at DCNET, and another as an instructor for a Robotics/Engineering program at a local DC high school (more pics/info to follow on that). But as for now, yesterday we had to deal with a stray bird that found its way into our classroom. Honestly I don't how it got in the building. I didn't even know it was there lol, until it was brought to my attention. Anyhow, somehow my compatriots Jason and Subodh helped to get the little creature. We had to capture it first however. And we managed to do to that by luring it to our trap with french fries; catering by urs Anyway check out this vid I caught of the capture with, of all things, my PC webcam. Enjoy.. I

First Post; Introduction

Hello world!! (opportune time to say that) Wassup? Well I've finally given in to the timeless tradition of documenting what life brings your way. I've enlisted in the self-reflective and public soapbox army; the blogger brigade. I've often thought about writing and keeping an actual diary but I never thought I could or would have the desire, discipline and affinity for it. Well now that's all changed. Although a novice, I intend to express myself with candor and articulation; with light-hearted, silly prose; with pictures and video (if possible); but most of all with my true voice and my heart.

I am expecting this to be a fun journey. I am already becoming an avid blogger I believe, even with this, my first public post.

In any event, I've named my blog "Without Further Ado". This was kind of an artsy kinda thing I thought of while scanning the basement of my mind, looking for a cool, catchy name/ concept that I could implement within the life of the blog. I thought about how technically this blog is a worldwide publication. Anyone can access it. It serves as a medium through which I can communicate and speak whether anyone reads it or not. So in that spirit I thought of a performance or a speech where the emcee sets the stage and then introduces the next act or rhetorician . Usually they add some funny aside or make small talk; you know... emcee stuff. But when it's time for the next act to perform all of that must promptly leave the stage. The creativity, intelligence, and joyous energy that the performer or speaker must employ, should command the attention of the audience. And in keeping with that I, Nolan Harris Jr, am presenting my study on Nolanology. Not necessarily my literal study of me; but more or less my thoughts based on observation and living day to day. Any facts presented are facts, not my biased interpretation. But my feelings and thoughts then branch from the perceived truths life has manifested to me. If you can relate, cool. If not, cool. It's just an information inter/ex change. But to wrap all this up, I hope you enjoy Nolanology; all that it entails: God, family, friends and all that there is in between. Enjoy!!!